Saturday, June 4, 2016

The Journey of a Thousand Miles Begins with One Step...

This is one of my favorite Chinese proverbs. Six years ago, I embarked on my blogging journey. “If you want to be an author,” they said, “you have to blog every day and develop a platform.” So I started.

But what was I going to blog about on a daily basis? As a fiction writer, my life certainly isn’t that interesting that everyone wants to read a diarized version of activities each day.

I was new to writing and didn’t consider myself a romance writer at the time. I could have done historical based articles, but then the audience of the blog wouldn’t have matched the audience of my novels.

The one thing I did know about, the one topic I could share from my heart, was my journey to become a published author. I know about setting high goals, breaking it down into achievable chunks, and doing the work to back up the goal.

Along my own path to success (which by my definition was publication), I shared my set backs, my successes, the revision of my goals, boundaries, and Tomlin's. I even created another blog to share spotlight my writing friends work (creating that community).

But lately something hasn’t felt comfortable about the content I’ve been sharing. I dropped off the email list for a couple of blog tour sites. I’ve had my own setback of about six to seven months of not working on my blog or my own dream journey. My goal is to do both. Not only do I want to promote my own romance writing and other great authors, I also want to continue to inspire others in their dream journeys.

So the choice is clear, it’s time to split the two blogs!

My romance writing blog is now renamed dean frech ~ lgbtqia+ romance writer. My tag line remains the same, Not the history you were taught. I chose to change to the lgbtqia+ designation because, although I only have MM titles published and in the immediate queue right now, I have some ideas for FF and transgendered romance. Who knows what else my twisted brain will come up with along the way.

I will continue to blog about my writing journey and how you can apply that to your journey. I have also established a new Twitter account to share my inspirational memes and articles.

Follow me on Twitter here!

And here is my Facebook Page for the 5 Easy Steps Blog.

Like my Facebook Page!

The process I’ve been sharing is a refinement of years and years of reading popular self help books and business books.  There’s a short bibliography on the Resources page.  This bibliography is only a list of the books that I remember reading, it is by no means a comprehensive list of everything I’ve ever read to define these principles that have shaped my success for at least the last twenty years.

As a reminder: The Five Step Process I’d like you to consider:

1.    Create a Vision.  Answer the questions, “What do I want to accomplish? And what will ‘success’ look like for me?”

2.    Set Goals.  Answer the questions, “When do I want to accomplish my writing projects?  And when do I want to be successful?”

3.    Develop and Follow Routines.  Answer the question, “How will I go about completing my writing projects?”

4.    Define Boundaries.  Answer the question, “Where will I accomplish my writing projects?”

5.    Find a Friend.  Answer the question, “Who else is out there that could use my support just as much as I could use his/hers?”

Welcome to a new leg in my journey, I’m glad your along for the ride.

What is most exciting for you about diverging paths?


Can't get enough of the 5 Steps? Look at the archives in my original blog:

Creating a Vision

Setting Goals

Develop and Follow Routines

Define Boundaries 

Find a Friend

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